Doctor Who

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I don't know: there are episodes which I would rank with the best sci-fi.

I'm a fan of Stargate SG-1, and in comparison I'd much rather watch that show than Doctor Who, though I did enjoy the episodes you listed and many more. I've not seen much of Battlestar Galactica (recent series) but I've heard it's pretty top-notch.
Back in the 80's I found Dr. Who. I have been a sci-fi fan since I was 4 and quickly took to Doctor Who. I was a member of fan clubs and even went to a number of conventions where I saw Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Colin Baker among others. Even back then, before I was a Christian, there was something about that bothered me: it's atheism. Look at the Face of Evil (Tom Baker's 3rd season) where the doctor talks about "religious-gobbledy gook." There are other episodes I could name that are decidedly hostile to religion. In the new Who it has gotten worse. The 10th Doctor once he didn't believe in God but he did believe in Rose (his companion).

Atheism - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki

With the single exception of Babylon 5, most sci-fi programs of the 30 or 40 years seem hostile, even mocking of religion. I love sci-fi but I find I can't watch it anymore. It's just not fun.
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