Do not deal with God without this high-priest

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (Stedfast Adherence to the Profession of our Faith), Works 3:237-238:

It is only the pride, and ignorance, and folly of the children of men, that they dare venture into God’s presence without Christ Jesus. An understanding believer cannot do so. He dares not come into God’s presence, but in the hand of this great high-priest, and with him upon his heart. Do not offer, I say, in any concern, to deal with God without this high-priest. Judge ye what would have been done in the state of the church of the Jews, if any man had brought his sacrifice to the altar, and laid his own hands upon it, and said, This sacrifice is mine, and I will be priest myself. That soul had been cut off from amongst his people. This was but typical of the severe charge we lie under. In all things that pertain to God, we must still bring Christ along with us.
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