Did VanTil believe in the Trinity?

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Puritan Board Junior
Sorry guys I didn't know where else to put this, being this is an apologetic board I figured ther must be some Van til experts in her.

I am currently confused about VanTil and have expressed in another board that I am currently NO VanTil because of the speculation I guess, that he believed that "God is ONE person" and that "the bible has apparent contradicitons".

On the board that I was on, one Vantilian practically burned me at the stake already for asserting such "blasphemies". He even said I was another Dave Hunt and should be treated as such. He posted an article and told me to read and RECANT me absurdities. I never said I came to a FINAL conclusion but hope that these accusations are wrong.

Anyone. HELP!
Paul, that was very helpful and I am starting to understand him more, thanx

Are you Vantilian now or just being an honest clarkinian? or whatever other inians there are

[Edited on 7-9-2004 by Roldan]

[Edited on 7-9-2004 by Roldan]
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