Death is a change of employment

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Blueridge Believer

Puritan Board Professor
Death is a change of employment

(Brooks, "A Believer's Last Day, His Best Day")

A valiant Roman emperor's motto was, "No fight--no pay!"
Just so, I say, "No fight--no crown! No fight--no heaven!"

A believer's last day is his best day! Death is a
change of employment. The work of a believer
in this world, lies in . . .
fighting, etc.

The truth is, the whole life of a believer is a
continual warfare. Believers have to deal with . . .
subtle enemies,
malicious enemies,
vigilant enemies,
untiring enemies!
They have to deal with such enemies as threw down . . .
Adam in paradise--the most innocent man in the world,
Moses--the meekest man in the world,
Job--the patientest man in the world,
Joshua--the most courageous man in the world,
Paul--the best apostle in the world, etc.

A Christian's life is a warfare. He is continually a-fighting with
lusts and corruptions within, and with devils and men abroad!

Death is a change of employment. It changes our hard service,
our mourning, wrestling, and fighting--for rejoicing and singing
hallelujahs to the Almighty! No longer prayers-but praises!
No longer fighting and wrestling-but dancing and triumphing!
Can a believing soul look upon this glorious change, and not say,
"Surely better is the day of my death, than the day of my birth!"

Death's shroud wipes away all tears from the believer's eyes!
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