Danaeu: The Celebration of set anniversary days is no necessary mean for conserving the commemoration of the benefits of redemption

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Danaeu-holydays-quote-shorterforFBwall-5colored-beige.jpg The Celebration of set anniversary days is no necessary mean for conserving the commemoration of the benefits of redemption, because we have occasion, not only every Sabbath day, but every other day, to call to mind these benefits, either in hearing, or reading, or meditating upon God’s Word. ‘I esteem and judge that the days consecrated to Christ must be lifted,’ says Danæus: ‘Christ is born, is circumcised, dies, rises again for us every day in the preaching of the Gospel.’”
George Gillespie, A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies (Naphtali Press, 2013), p. 50. Cf. Lambert Danaeu, Ad tomum I. et II. controversiarum Roberti Bellarmini responsio (Joannes le Preux, 1598), pages 1519–1520.
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