Conflict Resolution

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Puritan Board Doctor
I know we've had to deal with this from time to time. Recently this has come up personally for me on another board.

Could we put the advice we give when faced with this situation within the rules.

remembering the medium of communication, pming to solve offenses, no threats
I know we've had to deal with this from time to time. Recently this has come up personally for me on another board.

Could we put the advice we give when faced with this situation within the rules.

remembering the medium of communication, pming to solve offenses, no threats

Miss Bennett... I mean LadyFlynt :)

Have you heard of The Peacemaker by Ken Sande? Very helpful for conflict resolution... in a Puritan vein, Burroughs's Irenicum is very good, as is <wink, wink, Chris Coldwell....> Durham's Treatise on Scandal.
Miss Bennett... I mean LadyFlynt :)

Have you heard of The Peacemaker by Ken Sande? Very helpful for conflict resolution... in a Puritan vein, Burroughs's Irenicum is very good, as is <wink, wink, Chris Coldwell....> Durham's Treatise on Scandal.

My roommate is currently reading this book and has good things to say about it.
I actually had to take a course in conflict resolution when I was newly promoted to supervisor. For the most part my preferred method was to bring both parties to my office and have them confront each other in relative safety and privacy, with my presence only "to insure a fair fight" with certain rules like dismissing hearsay, forbidding profanity and physical threats, etc. It actually worked most of the time... :rofl:


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