Confessional Presbyterian 8 moving fast, price to rise soon

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Staff member
A heads up that the price on the 2012 eighth issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal will soon rise to the regular retail price of $25 (USA). It will be available for a short time still for $20 post paid. I think I can say that this has been our fastest moving issue in recent years, perhaps the fastest, and it will soon be the issue with the least inventory save the first issue of 2005. While that inaugural issue 1 remains in print, sets of all 8 issues are on available, and are presently on sale still for $95 postage paid (USA only).
For the issue contents see this older thread.
*CPJ 8 is available for $35 postage paid and sets of issues are on sale for $145 to folks outside the US. This is because of all the increases in global priority mail in the last several years.
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