— II Corinthians 3:1.“Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?”
I am trying to get a fuller understanding on church letter writing. There seemed to be a practice of letters of commendation from one body of believers to another in the NT.
Above, we have what appears to be sarcasm from Paul about these letters. I am seeking fuller understanding of the cultural background of this and why Paul appears sarcastic.
Also, I know that many baptist churches desire letters of transfer when a member goes from one local church to another.
Also, I have received one or two emails in the past about cases of discipline within the church. I am not sure it was my business. Too, I have heard of one church sending news out to surrounding churches that one of their members was under discipline. Another church sent out a letter that said that a person in their church had left their church and to beware of that person.
What are normal practices that occur in reference to this practice of letter writing? What are common problems, and situations which arise?