Church Fathers Millennial Views?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hi! Would you say from your studies that the primary millennial view for the early church fathers was amillennialism or historical premillennialism?
Do you know any good books that deal with this subject?
Which church Fathers were amillennial & which were historical premillennial?
I personally waver between the two and see both positives and negatives Biblically to both. Thank you!

For His Glory-
The millennial category wasn't one they were really interested in. They were more concerned with eschatological questions about the nature of the soul, what exactly did Origen teach, etc. You see Augustine (over)react to some chiliast speculation and so he posits something like a recognizable amillennialism. Even then, while that became standard, it just wasn't developed because it wasn't the most pressing eschatological category.
So Augustine just needed to chill? :rofl:

Yeah. After him everyone had the tendency to lump all serious exegesis on Revelation 20 from a premil perspective into "just another chiliast heretic," which put Justin Martyr and Irenaeus in a tight spot.
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