Christ, Above All Things

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Jeremiah Burroughs (The Saints Treasury, pp. 60, 61):

[W]ith what mighty intention of spirit should the heart be put forth toward Jesus Christ above all things! what though God give thee an estate and honour in the world: if thou hast not Christ thou hast nothing, thou hast not that that makes way for thee to eternity. Therefore be not satisfied with any thing without Christ. As Abraham sayes, What wilt thou give me Lord, seeing I goe childlesse? So say thou, Lord, thou hast given me a portion in the world, thou hast given me credit and repute amongst men; but Lord, what is all this to me, if I goe Christlesse, and have not him that is the conveyance of grace unto my soul, that is all in all? O Lord, thou hast this day taught me, that such is the distance and breach betweene thee and me, that unlesse it be made up through a mediator, I must eternally perish: therefore give me Christ, whatever thou denyest me. O satisfie not your selves with any thing, without Christ. Many hypocrites they satisfie themselves with gifts: if they have gifts, then they are contented. Consider that parable in the Gospell, Matth. 13:45, 46. The merchant-man sought after goodly pearles, but when he had found the pearle of price, then he went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Now gifts and parts, and other atchievements are these goodly pearles: I but Christ he is the pearle of price: therefore whatever thou hast, be willing to part with it for him: if God have discovered to thee the pearle of price, let no goodly pearles satisfie thee. Many souls perish eternally because they are satisfied with goodly pearles, and doe not endeavour to obtaine this pearle of price.​
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