Chanting as a form of singing

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Puritan Board Professor
Some say we can chant to sing, but it seems that it may be that chanting is not singing at all.

If true, those who chant in worship then would be taking a complete element out of worship, and adding a completely different one.

Thoughts? Is chanting to be considered a type of singing, or altogether separate?
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Not in particular, but I see in Scripture that songs/psalms were sung to melodies... That's really all I am going on. This is more of a "I am seeking information" more than 'this is my view'.
Some tonal languages don't really lend themselves to melodic singing if you want the words to still be understandable. So the first thing I'd say is that Christian singing ought to include meaningful, understandable content. This means some believers, in some cultures, might do well to chant.
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