Changing denominations


Puritan Board Freshman
How does a local church change denominations? Particularly, how does a PCA church become Evangel Presbyterian?
My understanding is it's a congregational vote, with a very low quorum threshold of like 20% to leave and then a similar vote (plus acceptance by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (or the Evangel Presbytery if you're talking about the paedo/credo denom)
BCO 25-9 and 25-10 protect the right of the departing congregation to take its property with it when it leaves. 25-2 gives the rules for calling a congregational meeting with or without the approval of the session, and 25-3 gives the quorums required for a meeting. 25-11 deals with the withdrawal process.
BCO 25-9 and 25-10 protect the right of the departing congregation to take its property with it when it leaves. 25-2 gives the rules for calling a congregational meeting with or without the approval of the session, and 25-3 gives the quorums required for a meeting. 25-11 deals with the withdrawal process.
Super helpful! Thank you.
Then, the departing church will be examined as to practice and theology by the EPC, to see if the EPC will accept them. Having been through that process, I know they do not blanketly accept "all" churches that wish to join. Although, I would think a former PCA church will have little problem compared to a lot of presently composed PCUSA churches.
Then, the departing church will be examined as to practice and theology by the EPC, to see if the EPC will accept them. Having been through that process, I know they do not blanketly accept "all" churches that wish to join. Although, I would think a former PCA church will have little problem compared to a lot of presently composed PCUSA churches.
I suspect he is referring to the Evangel Presbytery, which is incidentally made up of men like Tim Bayly who might sooner chop off their right arm than join the EPC. :)