Canticles: Communion with Christ?

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Canticles: Communion with Christ?|Meet The Puritans

Rev. Hyde, thank you for directing us to such a fountain of devotional thought.

This Summer I was reading Professor Selderhuis’ biography of John Calvin, a Pilgrim’s Life, that I heartily recommend.

He tells how Calvin considered the Interpretation of Song of Songs being about the relationship of husband and wife, as completely Unacceptable.

Sebastian Castelio, a teacher who was in favour of that line of thought (so much in vogue today) was then prevented by the Genevan Council from becoming a Pastor and had to depart Geneva.

Calvin continued the Medieval tradition that the precious little Book of Solomon, which had such a difficult way into the Cânon, has a spiritual meaning concerning Christ and His Church.

It’s sad that this spiritual and allegorical approach to Song of Songs has declined, since it produced all the rich works you commend in your Blog, to which I would add, with no reservation, Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons.

By the way, thank you for shuch a great and helpful Blog,

I must say I was hoping you would continue to update also

as I believe it is such an important and vital matter to keep the Curch, by all means, focused on the Confessions.
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