Can a church practice both paedo/credobaptism?

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To be clear,
baptizing both infant children of believers by profession of faith of at least one parent
baptizing an adult by profession of faith

is done at most Reformed Churches.

But teaching "believers only" baptism (credobaptism) is inconsistent theologically with infant (paedobaptism).

Inconsistent not only as to the point of who properly is to receive baptism, but with the broader theology of covenant.
I think one major problem that arises from an allowance of both views of baptism being accepted in one denomination is lack of teaching. We are currently in a confessional Presbyterian church and if a new convert off of the street came into the church they would be taught what our confession states regarding baptism. In a confessional Baptist church a new convert would also be taught what its' confession states regarding baptism. But, what does a church that holds to both views teach? As someone else pointed out, it does seem as though the pastor is walking a tight rope regarding the subject and conversation on the topic is usually strained.
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