Books on paedobaptism?

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Sovereign Grace

Puritan Board Sophomore
I've recently became intrigued with paedobaptism and want to research it. What are some good books I can buy regarding this and how it relates to covenant theology?

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I would recommend two resources to get you started:

Samuel Miller, "Lectures on Baptism" You can read that for free here or purchase it here.
For a more recent take, Danny Hyde's book "Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children" is excellent. You can purchase it here.

Also of interest is the book "William the Baptist" by J.M. Chaney (though it deals more with mode than subjects). You can also purchase it here.
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Louis Berkhof has the best succinct argument for subjects, Chaney's book as mentioned above is the best treatise for mode.
When I was first studying the issue I found:
Randy Booth: "Children of the Promise" to be helpful in seeing the correlation to circumcision.
John Murray: "Christian Baptism" for the historical practice of baptism (including infant baptism)
Cuthbert Sydenham "A Discourse on Covenant Theology and Infant Baptism" to later be my favorite. I got it from McMahon's A Puritan's Mind website.
Fesko's book is great and I would also recommend John Murray's.

A new one I have yet to read is Covenantal Baptism by Jason Helopoulos. Has anyone here read this one?
John Murray's work on baptism already mentioned above is short, sweet, and to the point. My wife opened it as a Baptist and closed it as a Presbyterian.

For me, I read the Bible in 90 days for a fall semester class on the heels of doing the Prof. Grant Horner reading plan the prior spring and summer. I was able to wrap my head around the continuity of Scripture and God's covenantal dealings more than I could have ever dreamed (or was even looking for). The whole deal was seasoned with much prayer and many conversations with Presbyterians living nearby.

After I was convinced, I read Baptism: Answers to Common Questions by Guy Richard. That was helpful to capture simple nuances I didn't understand before.

The stuff folks have mentioned are certainly rich treasures on the topic.
Scriptural Baptism by Uuras Saarnivaara was very helpful to me as a Baptist, even though it's written from a Luther pov.

What I liked so much about it was how thorough he is while presenting the issue in a unique and engaging format, while remaining scholarly and comprehensive.

The Lutheranism of the work doesn't detract from its overall value for Reformed. I didn't find the few points where the it showed to be particularly distracting--or challenging, for that matter. In fact, it may be valuable for some who are familiar with the Baptist/Reformed dialogue to see it approached from a slightly different angle.
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All of the above, but I think you'll find the following six sermons from Prof. Edward Donnelly useful.
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