Book of Job

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Puritan Board Senior
I love the book of Job. It had helped me to not question God's providence. When I think things are bad, I consider Job and it certainly puts everything into perspective.

However, how much of the discourse between Job and his friends can be used for good theology? Since both he and his friends were rebuked, it would seem that we cannot depend on any of it for good theology. But there are many wonderful truths that come our of their discourses (Job 19:25 for example).

What is the best way to approach this book from a doctrinal standpoint?
I think the best approach is to keep in mind what God rebuked each of the people for. And then keep that in mind when reading what that specific person was saying.
Seems like the online version of WHGreen's Argument linked above is missing most of the Analysis outline (begins p368).

At least you can get a used paperback Banner edition for $0.99, plus shipping...
Tim, I second Pastor Bruce's recommendation of William Henry Green's, The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded. It goes into great depth, and wonderfully aids in understanding the book. When I preached through Job in a small church in the Middle East, I bought a copy to give to every family (or individual) in the congregation, so excellent it is. I felt it was easy enough to comprehend to give it to folks to whom English was a second language.
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