Bernardinus de Moor on the ends of revealed theology: God’s glory and the salvation of God’s elect

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
Finally, in the Difference of the Definition is mentioned its End; the supreme End of Revealed Theology is the Glory of God; which He set before Himself in all His works, Proverbs 16:4, but especially in Redemption, 1 Peter 2:9, and its doctrine, Ephesians 3:10, even as Redemption and its doctrine show forth most perfectly the Glory of God, through a demonstration of His highest attributes.

The subordinate End is the Salvation of the Elect, John 20:31; Titus 1:2. Because, of course, in the Salvation of the Elect the Attributes of God shall be most gloriously manifested, and shall be most perfectly acknowledged and celebrated forever by Those Saved, 2 Thessalonians 1:10; hence the Salvation of the Elect shall be as advantageous as possible to the Glory of God as the supreme End; and hence the whole work of Redemption has subordinate End, the leading of the Elect unto Salvation.

For the reference, see Bernardinus de Moor on the ends of revealed theology: God’s glory and the salvation of God’s elect.
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