Articles by Spence and Filson on PB?

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R. Scott Clark

Puritan Board Senior
I'm told that there are articles on or links to articles by Alan Spence and David Owen Filson on PB, but I haven't found them:

Spence, " A Unified Theory of the Atonement " which appeared in the International Journal of Systematic Theology, which does an excellent job of critiquing N.T.Wright. (2) A paper written for Carl Trueman by David Owen Filson, "A Right Reading of Redemption: Richard Baxter, John Owen, and Their Seventeenth Century Controversy over Justification ."

Can someone help me find these?


David Filson is my pastor

Chris, you are very blessed to have David as your pastor and friend. A living example of the historic Reformed vision of the pastor/scholar.
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