Are There Philosophy Jokes?

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Puritan Board Doctor
I read this the other day: "The next time you have an idea, read Aristotle to find out why it won't work."

I'm not sure if it was meant as humor or if there was a philosophical point being made, but I thought it was funny. I didn't know that there are philosophy jokes (if that's what this is).
I recall a Monty Python skit where a bunch of philosophers were playing soccer and the commentary was a constant play on their respective philosophies.
Descartes walked into a bar.
The bartender says, "You want a drink?"
Descartes responds, "I think not."
And he disappeared.
Question: can you move an elephant across a river?

Continental philosopher: Is the elephant real?
British Empiricist: How much does the elephant weigh?
American: How much will you pay me?
What do Nihilists have to say about Nihilism?
If it was not for Nihilism, they would have nothing to believe in.

What is the philosophy of skunks?
I stink. Therefore, I am.
Question: can you move an elephant across a river?

Continental philosopher: Is the elephant real?
British Empiricist: How much does the elephant weigh?
American: How much will you pay me?
The American is the smart one. The answer to the first two have no impact on the third. For the right price, I’d be happy to move your imaginary elephant of any weight.
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