Anyone recommend any of these books on prophecy?

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Keith Mathison writes from the Postmillennial position (Postmillennialism: An Eschatology of Hope). He's an easy read and seems to cover all the bases from the postmil perspective.

Gentry's "Before Jerusalem Fell" is a very good defense of the partial preterist position (argues for an early dating of Revelation), as is his "He Shall Have Dominion" (which has a theonomic bent to it).
If I'm not mistaken Pink changed his position from dispensational premil to historic premil and then Amil by the end of his life.

He certainly moved from dispensationalsm to amillennialism, but I am not sure if he ever held to historic premillennialism.

Whilst Monergism say that this is "Pink's defense of Dispensationalism prior to being converted to the Covenantal view"

I do believe that is his work but no matter, he changed his mind, it's a shame the dispensational works are still in print...but...they were kind of helpful to me as a stepping stone out of dispensationalism. Reading his AntiChrist work lead me to read his other titles...

As farasthe books recomended go Iwould say the ones I could recomend most are the Last Days According to Jesus and Dispensationalism. Both are good defenses of the views held by the authour but I am partal to dispensationalism by Ryre
Great stuff...I've got most of those in my library too.

BUT...before you dive in, I super, dooper, totally, stongly recommend you read one very very important book first.

Biblical Hermeneutics by Milton S. Terry

And when your done with that get the supplemental book by him

Biblical Apocolyptics by Milton S. Terry

These may be hard to find as they were first published in the late 1800s...but they were required text books in seminaries for many years.

I've got a fascimile older copy, and some newer copies that I "think" I got at

AGAIN..these are a must read for any student of the bible, let alone when diving into apocolypics and prophecy.

I have read both of these ... Excellent Reading!
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