Angels and Demons Bible Study Anthology

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Puritan Board Doctor
To better understand Lutheranism I've been watching Pr. Wolfmueller's YouTube channel. He is a great communicator and if you're interested in learning about Lutheranism his vids and podcasts will be useful. He offers some free resources on his site so I linked to one on Angels and Demons.


Outlines of Doctrinal Theology 1-9 A. L. Graebner
Christian Dogmatics 11-21 Theodore Mueller
The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church 23-48 Heinrich Schmid

Description from the site:

Here is the first in a series of Bible Study Anthologies, excerpts from the Lutheran Dogmaticians on various topics.

The first edition is “Angels and Demons.” We’ll be using this at Hope for our Fall Bible Class.

Download a free copy and take a look here: AngelsDemonsAnthologywithCover
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