A Young Minister's Concern for His Prayer Life

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Puritan Board Doctor
I am beginning to think that the reason for my inability and lack of power in prayer is that I have lost sight of the holiness of God. I do not estimate it a serious matter to enter in before Him, and so there is no sense of awe upon me, nor of the reality of the solemn thing I am performing. How, then, is this to be rectified? Evidently, the remedy must lie in the deepening of my sense of the majesty of God, but how this is to be accomplished, as yet I see not.

The Rev. Kenneth A. MacRae (1883-1964), minister in the Free Church of Scotland; diary entry for March 23, 1913.

In Diary of Kenneth A. MacRae: A Record of Fifty Years in the Christian Minnistry, edited by Iain H. Murray (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1980), p. 51.

I'm re-reading this wonderful book. I wish the BOTT would re-print it. I don't think it's been re-printed since they brought it out in 1980.
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