Puritan Board Freshman
I came across this article and read the whole thing. At the beginning I thought Pink argued a very good point about the shortcomings of evangelical evangelism, but after reading further I came across some things I haven't really heard before and to be honest kind of confused me. I believe some would call this hyper Calvinism. I definitely believe witnessing to others and sharing the Gospel in a God-centered and right way is very important. I believe Pink made some very good points about any evangelism needing to be for the glory of God alone and not just for "saving souls" - because we cannot add or subtract one soul from the election of God. I found his argument that Jesus must be "Lord and Savior" and not only "Savior" for any true Christian in light of his exegesis on the Acts verse when the person asks "what shall I do to be saved?" to be very interesting. However, I'm confused with this whole "free/well meant" offer of the Gospel stuff. How do we share the Gospel in light of the doctrines of grace and God's sovereignty? Can we tell someone for sure Christ died for them if they are living in their sins and rejecting Him?
Anyone more well-read and knowledgeable have any thoughts? Please read first to see what I'm talking about. It seems to me as if Pink made a sudden "shift" in the focus of his argument to express the 100% sovereignty of God in light of the 100% responsibility of man. But I'm not sure I agree with his apparent claim that it's dangerous to tell lost sinners to believe (though I concur that most so-called evangelists today do it in a very unhelpful way), unless I read it wrong.
Anyone more well-read and knowledgeable have any thoughts? Please read first to see what I'm talking about. It seems to me as if Pink made a sudden "shift" in the focus of his argument to express the 100% sovereignty of God in light of the 100% responsibility of man. But I'm not sure I agree with his apparent claim that it's dangerous to tell lost sinners to believe (though I concur that most so-called evangelists today do it in a very unhelpful way), unless I read it wrong.
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