A great deal on eBooks from Doxa Digital Press

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Puritan Board Junior
The Doxa Digital Press Platinum Collection (38 Volumes)

I received this email yesterday from Doxa, it looks like a great deal.

Unfortunately their website doesn't tell you as much about the package as the email does. I downloaded and installed mine this morning, it looks and works great!

(Did I mention great? :))

Note: This Limited-Time Special Offer is valid through September 27, 2008.

To download The Doxa Digital Press Platinum Collection for $9.95, go to: Doxa Digital Press Platinum Collection

Greetings from Doxa Digital Press!

We are excited to announce a tremendous collection of theological titles!
Note: You may want to forward this email to a pastor, colleague or friend


1) The Doxa Digital Press Platinum Collection (38 Volumes )

That's 38 volumes and $550 in print value for $9.95


The Doxa Platinum Collection is Loaded with Titles

You'll receive immediately via download 38 volumes from the following Reformed theologians:

Francis Beattie
The Presbyterian Standards (An Exposition of the WCF and Catechisms)

Louis Berkhof
Textual Aid to Systematic Theology
Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology (one of the best ever)
Summary of Christian Doctrine
Manual of Christian Doctrine
History of Christian Doctrines
Principles of Biblical Interpretation (Sacred Hermeneutics)
Subjects and Outlines: Biblical, Theological, Historical
check out his view on woman suffrage

Loraine Boettner
The Christian Attitude Toward War
Divorce (with numerous quotes from Prof. John Murray)
A Harmony of the Gospels
The Millennium
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
The Reformed Faith
Roman Catholicism
Studies in Theology

James P. Boyce
Abstract of Systematic Theology

John Cotton
The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

A.A. Hodge
Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith
Exposition of the Shorter Catechism

Abraham Kuyper
Lectures on Calvinism
Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology
God's Renaissance Man (Biography)
an excellent biography by Dr. J.E. McGoldrick
Work of the Holy Spirit

J.G. Machen
Christianity and Liberalism

John Macpherson
Notes on the Westminster Confession of Faith

N.S. McFetridge
Calvinism in History

John Owen
The Golden Book of John Owen

Robert Shaw
The Reformed Faith (An Exposition of the WCF)

Geerhardus Vos
The Kingdom and the Church
The Pauline Eschatology

B.B. Warfield
The Plan of Salvation (view sample )

Westminster Standards
Westminster Confession of Faith (with hyperlinks at the paragraph level to the Expositions )
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism (with hyperlinks from each Q. to Hodge's Exposition)
Westminster Confession in Parallel with the 1689 and Savoy

That's 38 Volumes and over 9,500 Pages!


Here is a list of some of the software features you'll enjoy:

Automatic Cross Referencing (no need to perform a Bible Reference search )
Pop Up Bible References Upon Mouse Hover
Various Highlight Color Options
Searches by Word, Phrase, and Topic
Note-Taking Capabilities (fully searchable notes)
Built-In Word Processor
Author Your Own Documents for Integration
Page Numbers Preserved from the Print Editions
Option to Expand Your Digital Library with over 2,000 Titles
And More
Plus, the ESV and KJV Bibles are free downloads



The Doxa Digital Press Platinum Collection integrates with :

WORDsearch 8
WORDsearch 8 for Mac (for Intel Macs only)
Bible Explorer 4

If you don't have any of the above, download Bible Explorer 4 (for Windows) for Free:
Bible Explorer 4 Download

Mac Users

If you own an Intel Mac, you will need to have WORDsearch 8 for Mac on your computer
Plus, you can now download nearly 200 free books, many of them classics, from the Word Search site! They all run on the same search engine.
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