1 Samuel 27:9

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Puritan Board Senior
Johnny is accused by his Mother of having lied about tidying his room.
No, replies Johnny, at 11.07 a.m. I said I was finished with tidying my room.
You will not make a good husband says the Mother, but you will excel as a lawyer!

When David says south of the Kenites does he mean the territory of the Amalekites or the southern most part of Kenite territory?

[BIBLE]1 Samuel 27:10[/BIBLE]

This is not dissimilar to the reply that David is on an errand for the King given to the priest at Nob. Did David mean an earthly King or a heavenly King?

Dissembling is telling the truth in such a way that you are not believed?

I recall a linguist observing the distinction between languages is in what they oblige you to say rather than what they permit you to say. Thus I can speak of dining with a friend last night in English, concealing whether my friend is male or female. In French or German this would not be possible with the same facility.

So: does the Hebrew permit this interpretation or rather does it rule out?
[BIBLE]1 Samuel 27:10[/BIBLE]

Couldn't alter the quotation to verse 10 for some reason
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