
  1. Travis Fentiman

    Are good works necessary to salvation?

    While maintaining justification by faith alone, the Reformed have historically answered this question: Yes. Many historic reformed resources are linked on the below webpage on this issue, including many in Latin from Reformed Orthodoxy with numerous quotes from those works translated. The...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    What Hour was Christ Crucified?

    Two well known Christians have recently left Christianity, in part citing as a reason contradictions in the Bible. If Christianity is a farce, or is true, it is better to find out now rather than later. One of the most notable and difficult seeming discrepancies in the New Testament is that Mk...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Newly Translated 1500's work by a Spanish Reformer

    The 1500’s Spanish reformer, Juan Perez, wrote a lengthy tract seeking to confirm and comfort protestants in the heart-breaking circumstances of living under the fear and suffering of the Spanish Inquisition. This work has been newly translated into English by Charles F. Johnson for the first...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    Wedding Rings

    Some of the early puritans refused to wear wedding rings as Romanism in their day had caused wedding rings to bear a commonly superstitious meaning. To wear them was to affirm that meaning, and was hence scandalous. Some persons today teach that it is wrong to wear wedding rings. However, as...
  5. Travis Fentiman

    New Testament Commentaries in Latin Online

    I am humbled and thankful to God to be able to present to you a webpage of most of the major whole New Testament Commentaries (or the majority thereof, 75+) in Latin throughout Church history which have been preserved and are on the net. The titles have been translated into English. These...
  6. Travis Fentiman

    What Day was Christ Crucified on?

    What day was Christ crucified on? The answer greatly affects how one understands the events and flow of Christ’s whole Last Week, which events form a significant share of the Gospels. The issue will be of very practical import to preachers who preach through Christ's Last Week. The options...
  7. Travis Fentiman

    Whole Bible Commentaries in Latin Online

    Here is every major whole Bible commentary in Latin through Church history (which has survived, is commonly referenced in the secondary literature and is on the net): 38 total, including those of the puritans. The titles are translated into English. If you have not begun learning Latin yet...
  8. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available on Prolegomena

    What is theology? Can we meaningfully speak of God? What method ought one to go about in learning or setting forth all of theology? How do faith and reason relate? These are the sorts of questions that Prolegomena (before-speaking) asks and answers. On every front modern theology (and much of...
  9. Travis Fentiman

    Trelcatius on Prolegomena Available

    The more we consider the Lord's things, the more we are pressed to consider the underpinnings of them, and of all theology. Such underpinnings often go under the term 'Prolegomena'. While there is often much written on prolegomena today, there have been great omissions from what was included...
  10. Travis Fentiman

    May we eat blood?

    According to Scripture, may Christians eat or drink blood and strangled animals? Gen. 9 prohibited it, as well as the apostolic council of Jerusalem in Acts 15. Yet the nearly universal answer of the Reformed Church during the Reformation and Puritan eras was 'Yes'. Find out the plethora of...
  11. Travis Fentiman

    When Does the Sabbath Begin?

    Friends, When Does the Sabbath Begin? In the most comprehensive treatment to-date on the subject, I argue in this academic article from Scripture that the Sabbath has always been from dawn-to-dawn since Creation throughout the Bible, without exception. Fentiman, Travis – The Biblical Sabbath...
  12. Travis Fentiman

    Quenching the Spirit - English Puritan sermon

    Scripture says, "Quench not the Spirit." (1 Thess. 5:19) Yet how many times have we done this? And how liable are we to doing it? May we cultivate fruit from the motions of the Spirit in us. This sermon by Jeremiah Dyke, an English puritan (d. 1620) will help us do exactly that. This is one...
  13. Travis Fentiman

    Communion Tokens: Resources Available

    Communion tokens (paper or metal) were used by the reformers and puritans of old for the elders to confirm that persons coming to Christ in the Supper had made adequate preparation thereunto (1 Cor. 11:27-32; 2 Cor. 13:5; etc.) in the sight of the Church. Resources on this indifferent, though...
  14. Travis Fentiman

    The History of Scottish Worship: Resources

    It was said of the Scottish reformers that: “The ministers that were took not their pattern from any Kirk in the world, no, not from Geneva itself; but, laying God’s Word before them, made reformation according thereunto…” John Row 1637 History of the Kirk of Scotland, p. 12 The great...
  15. Travis Fentiman

    The Benediction - Reformed Resources

    Why does the minister close the worship service with an inspired Benediction, standing with up-lifted hands facing God’s people? Here is a page of Biblical and historic, reformed resources on the Benediction, a practice not so easy to find resources on. The Benediction at ReformedBooksOnline...
  16. Travis Fentiman

    Ought we to Tithe? Reformed Resources

    Ought we to give 10% of our income to the Lord via the Church, or tithe? The modern discussion has been clouded by anti-nomianism on the one hand (that God's moral law does not oblige us) and fundamentalism on the other, with a 'literal' and simplistic hermeneutic of the Bible. Does the...
  17. Travis Fentiman

    Greek Dictionaries

    Free is better than not-free. Here is the harvest of Greek dictionaries available online (both classical and for the New Testament), to help you understand and love God's Word more. Greek Dictionaries - ReformedBooksOnline If you don't know Greek, how are you going to read God's Word as He...
  18. Travis Fentiman

    Grounds of Christ Receiving Divine Worship

    We are to only worship God, and yet Jesus, a man, was worshipped in his earthly ministry. How is this so? The answer is that we worship Jesus, the God-man Mediator, not insofar as He is a creature, but insofar as his Person is God. This precious jewel of theology is argued by the reformed...
  19. Travis Fentiman

    Presumptive Regeneration

    What is to be made of Presumptive Regeneration (PR), which has become so popular in the modern, Reformed Church? Jesus told Nicodemus, who was a teacher in Israel and externally in the Covenant in good standing, “You must be born again.” (Jn. 3:7) It is largely not known that the classical era...
  20. Travis Fentiman

    Scottish Church History: Resources Available

    Friends, For beginners and scholars alike, here is a massive collection of resources on Scottish Church history, organized by the time period. Apart from researching a dissertation, it will probably have everything you need to answer just about every question you may have about Scottish...
  21. Travis Fentiman

    Resolutioner-Protester Controversy

    The first split in the Church of Scotland was the Resolutioner-Protester controversy in the 1650's. An introduction to the controversy is on the webpage. This sad division brought out interesting theological controversies concerning: civil resistance, passive and active obedience, the unity of...
  22. Travis Fentiman

    Rutherford's Due Right of Presbyteries: Subject Index

    What is the definitive work in Church history arguing and delineating classic presbyterianism? Samuel Rutherford’s The Due Right of Presbyteries. Rutherford answers every detailed point of ecclesiology (things about the Church) that you ever thought of, and many, many more. The problem...
  23. Travis Fentiman

    Recommended Reading Lists & Commentaries

    Friends, I have compiled a large collection of recommended, religious, reading lists, bibliographies and other reference materials which I hope will be helpful to both beginner and scholar alike. For one studying an issue, the first thing to do is to find the best available literature that is...
  24. Travis Fentiman

    Dance & Drama in Worship

    Friends, Should dance, drama and man-made religious imagery be in worship? If it is of help to you, I have made an extensive Biblical case for the historic, reformed position that religious imagery in worship is regulated by God's Word, that dancing is not warranted for the regular public...
  25. Travis Fentiman

    Writings of the English Reformers

    Some of the most precious writings in Church history are the works of the reformers of the English Reformation. Many of these men gave their lives for their testimony. The Parker Society in the 1800’s published the main writings of the English reformers, which are all in the public domain...
  26. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Medieval Church History

    Here is a wealth of resources on Medieval Church history which will answer just about any question you have about it. We have harvested the public domain on the topic for you and have found many of the standard sources on the subject, in addition to contemporary scholarship as well. In...
  27. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Church History, Early Church

    Friends, If it may be of use to you, I have collected the harvest from the public domain on Church histories and on the Early Church, with links at your finger-tips: Church History: ReformedBooksOnline Early Church History: ReformedBooksOnline There is a lot of amazing material here; I hope...
  28. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Historical Theologies

    Historical theology is seeing and analyzing the recognition and development of the doctrines of God's Word through the development of the history of the Church. Historical theology is of the utmost value as most teachings of God's Word have already been hammered out in greater earnestness and...
  29. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Infra & Supralapsarianism

    Friends, If it is of interest, and as I suspect many here probably have opinions on the topic, I have collected as many resources on Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism as I could get my hands on through reformed history. For those new to the subject, of whether God, in his predestinating...
  30. Travis Fentiman

    Psalters Online

    Are you able to sing with David that God's “statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage”? – Ps. 119:54 In order that you may find as rich treasure and grace in singing the Lord’s psalms as David did, we have collected as many psalters online as we could. Previously we had around...