online library

  1. Travis Fentiman

    New, Copyrighted Books being made Legally Available & Free Online

    A quiet revolution is occuring: More and more new, copyrighted books in all fields of theology and Bible scholarship are being made available for free on the net. Internet Archive, a major, online library, continues to legally put up 3,500 books a day, from 18 locations across the world, onto...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Works of the Westminster Divines Online, Now more Complete than Ever

    A few months ago Phase II of Early English Books Online, which contains over 35,000 volumes, became freely open to the public online. Hence, I have been able to add several hundred volumes to: All of the Writings of the Westminster Divines in English Online which now contains over 890 works...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Great News! EEBO Phase 2 & RBO

    Friends, If you have not heard already, Phase 2 of Early English Books Online has just been made publicly available on the net (ahead of schedule); the collection has over 35,000 volumes, including many reformed and puritan works. You may search Phases 1 & 2 here...