
  1. pgwolv

    William Perkins on conceiving Christ in the heart

    "Christ was conceived and borne in bodily manner, that there might be a spiritual conception and birth of him in our hearts, as Paul saith [Gal 4:19], and that is, when we are made new creatures by Christ and perform obedience to our creator. When the people said to Christ that his mother and...
  2. pgwolv

    Books that help with heartfelt worship rather than just head knowledge

    My wife and I often discuss the fact that I’m a head-first person and she’s a heart-first person. We both have to be careful of letting one of those faculties dominate, as a balance is needed. I love reading reformed books, but I tend to let it inform me without letting it stir up my heart to...
  3. M

    'Heart' of the earth, a compartment in hades?

    Has anyone heard an interpretation that says that Jesus descended into hell or a compartment therein and utilized Matthew 12:40 to support it? They say that the expression "heart of the earth" cannot mean the grave because it is not the 'heart' of the earth and that the grave is too close to the...
  4. Kevin Lewis

    When is the law of God written on the heart?

    Is God's law written on the heart when born? When regenerated? For the elect only? I get varying answers depending on what I read and who i talk to. When answering, could you please give biblical references also if possible? Thanks for your help.