
  1. blood-bought

    Is art of pagan false gods acceptable in certain situations?

    Hi all, I have been doing some buying and selling recently and I bought a large head bust of what I was told to be a Roman emperor. I know it sounds questionable but at the time I was thinking that those interested in history would appreciate it but then I found out it is actually a replica of...
  2. Timmay

    A Visual Pilgrim's Progress

    So for Reformation Day I'm posting my first in a series of images of a modern day retelling of Pilgrim's Progress. I will have them all up on a dedicated site, and the original image is over 25in tall if anyone is ever interested in prints. First up is the Slough of Despond, with the Pilgrim...
  3. sojourner

    Reformed Art

    I have made an armor of God drawings and in the description I used the Ligonier devotionals. I will post them here and tell me what you think. Any Christian artists here or hobbyists? The piece that protects the soldier’s head, the helmet is essential to keeping a soldier alive and...