Need analytical outlines for entire NT (Help?)

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MJ William Denman

Puritan Board Freshman
I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I've looked through a bunch of NT surveys, introductions and commentaries and have only found summary-based outlines for texts. I'm looking for analytical outlines, instead, that follow a more verse-by-verse summary, sort of like in the attached image.

Anyone have any recommendations for where I can find such analytical outlines? websites, books, etc, let me know!


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I would recommend that you refrain from taking the Lord's name in vain, even in minced form.

I wasn't actually aware that it was a replacement word in the first place, so, there is that, however, I've obviously removed it, since, you brought it up.
How about this:


The outline for the sample you show above in Hunt's Ultimate Outline Book would be:
Detailed outline
  1. Introduction: 1:1-14
    1. Greetings: 1:1-2
      1. From: Paul and Timothy: 1:1
      2. To: The saints and faithful brethren in Christ at Colosse: 1:2
      3. Grace and peace from God and Jesus: 1:2
    2. Thanksgiving: 1:3-8
    3. Paul's prayer for Christians at Colosse: 1:9-14
  2. The person and work of Jesus: 1:15-23
    1. Lord of creation: 1:15-17
      1. In relation to its origin: 1:15-16
      2. In relation to its continuity: 1:17
    2. Lord of the church: 1:18-19
    3. Reconciler: 1:20-23
      1. He has made peace through the blood of His cross: 1:20
      2. He has reconciled all things to Himself: 1:20
      3. Those alienated by wicked works He has reconciled: 1:21
      4. Through His death, we can be presented: 1:22
      5. We are to continue in the faith: 1:23
  3. Paul: God's minister of reconciliation: 1:24-2:7
    1. Sufferings: 1:24
    2. Minister of the mystery of Christ: 1:25-29
      1. The circumstances of his ministry: 1:25
      2. The message of his ministry: 1:26-27
        1. Mystery of God: 1:26-27
        2. Jesus Himself: 1:27
      3. The methods of his ministry: 1:28
      4. Presenting everyone perfect in Jesus: 1:28
      5. The power behind his ministry: 1:29

Short of the above, a Thompson Chain-Reference Bible will contain a rudimentary outline on a verse by verse basis:
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