The image of the heavenly

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (Sermons from 1 Peter 1:1-4), Works 4:71-72:

As we have also borne the image of the earthly
, so shall we also bear the image of the heavenly, 1 Cor. 15:49. Pray observe: we bear the image of the earthly by being born in sin and misery; we bear the image of the earthly by living in sin and misery; we bear the image of the earthly by dying in sin and misery; and we bear the image of the earthly in the rottenness of the grave: and we bear the image of the heavenly Adam when we are sanctified by his Spirit. This image increases in us according to our growth in sanctification: and we perfectly bear the image of the heavenly Adam when we are just like the man Christ, both in soul and body, perfectly happy, and perfectly holy; when we have overcome death by his grace, as he overcame it by his own strength. It will never be known how like believers are to Jesus Christ, till they are risen again: when they shall arise from their graves, like so many little suns shinning in glory and brightness. Oh! how like will they then be to Jesus Christ; though his personal transcendent glory will be his property and prerogative to all eternity.
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