
Puritan Board Freshman
Hello everyone!

I really enjoyed Geree's short piece about the Old English Puritan, and was looking at his list of works. A lot of them seem to be interesting, and I'm sure his works on paedobaptism will be useful to many who are on the fence or not sure of strong arguments. It seems that I will be able to access the majority of them (I have accessed a couple: DV, the rest) through EEBO, but this one that seems quite intriguing is inaccessible to me. I tried searching via other academic sources, but when there are digital copies available on such sites, my login for my university (the benefits of being a student, am I right? ;) I try to use it where possible!) does not work, as my university does not offer theology (for that reason, I suppose the library has not requested theological works). Is there any way to access this particular work? The full title as cited on Wikipedia is: 'Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ: or, ten cases resolved, which discover, that though there bee need of Reformation in, yet not of Separation from the Churches of Christ in England. Viz. The scandalous are to bee cast out. What persons are scandalous. They guilty that suffer the scandalous. The Jews had Excommunication. Separation from our churches not necessary. Separation without admonition cleers not. The fewer must yeeld to the greater number. Our churches true churches. Set formes of prayer lawfull. Baptisme of infants in Christs ordinance.'

I would like to thank Mr. McMahon for his lovely preface to Geree's pamphlet on A Puritan's Mind, and the work he puts into posting about Puritans of all different levels of popularity. :applause:
Hi Dave,

This is the only one I found as well, and it is indeed the one to which my institution does not allow access because they do not invest in theological works since theology is not taught there. This is quite frustrating as had I not gone to a specialist school I would be at a university that teaches theology and may have had access to it!