
  1. S

    Were Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar Speaking by Inspiration, and how Must We Read Job 3-31?

    Hello Brethren, In the Book of Job, we have leangthy speeches recorded by Job of Uz and his 3 friends: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. We know the book is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction...
  2. S

    Of Diffrences between the traditional Ben Chayim Hebrew Bible and the Modern Ben-Asher versions

    Hello, It is my understanding that the traditional text of the OT was supplanted about a century ago for the Ben-Asher text of the Leningrad Codex. Useful information of this has been posted by @Jerusalem Blade on post #38 of the thread Do textual variants give us confidence? Has anyone ever...
  3. MilitaryBrat2007

    Are Bible translations "inspired"?

    Of course, we all here agree that the original texts of the Bible (in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) were inspired by God. And by inspired, I mean that, although written by men, every word is supernaturally inputted by God. But does this necessarily mean that translations of the Bible are also...
  4. P

    Encouraging Women - "Who you are" speech

    Hello! This being my first post outside the introduction page I do hope it has landed in the right spot. I've recently come across some high profile online skits with encouraging messages from Christian artists seeking to profoundly motivate people. In particular, I came across the "Who you...