
  1. L

    Current issues in Evidential apologetics?

    I wasn't sure what to title this thread, as it is essentially a solicitation for apologetics resources from those "more in the know" regarding specific areas in the Evidentialist tradition of defending the faith. With regards to upholding the veracity of the Genesis account of creation, this...
  2. JoeltheWestminsterian

    Help for a Former Atheist Family Member

    I have a dear family member who was formerly an atheist but has since come to believe in Christ. She has always been very scientifically minded in her thinking and passions and has spent much time in the past acquiring scientific information from an atheist, materialist perspective. Now...
  3. T

    Creationism and Traducianism: Theologians Who Held to Each?

    Does anyone here have a list of major Reformed/Calvinist theologians, old or modern, organized according to where they stood on the creationism/traducianism debate? I am preparing a Sunday School class on WCF 6 and would like to have this available as an illustration. I know, for example, that...
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    Shedding traducianism: Oliver Crisp’s analysis of Shedd’s traducianism in light of Herman Bavinck 2018-06-14

    O'Donnell's paper is a cogent examination of important questions raised by Crisp and others in the creationism versus traducianism intramural debate within the Reformed theological tradition. I am at a loss to see how traducianism can provide a proper account, in Christian terms, for the origin...
  5. Tallifer

    Did God create everything as if was billions of years old?

    (If someone can direct me to some other threads which discuss this already, I would greatly appreciate it as an infrequent visitor to this forum.) I have often considered the Omphalos theory of divine creation worthy of consideration. ( Omphalos hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...
  6. Damon Rambo

    Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye Debate Upcoming!

    Hello, all! It has just been announced that Bill Nye will debate Ken Ham on the topic of creation and evolution, February 4th. You can read the official announcement here: Answers in Genesis You can read MY assessment, HERE Ham is at least moderately presuppositional in his approach...
  7. sastark

    Creationism: An In-House Discussion

    The audio from the Radio Show I was a guest on this weekend has been posted (see link at end of post). The topic was the Days of Creation. I and one other guest (Doug Hamp of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa) defended the young-earth view, while the host of the show (Lindsay Brooks)...
  8. C

    Does the WCF teach Traducianism?

    Does the WCF teach traduciansim? In case some reading this don't know, there are two main views of our souls. Creationism is the view that God creates our souls and gives them to us directly (presumably at conception?). Traducianism is the view our souls are essentially passed to us from...